Company logo plays vital role in branding image of particular firm. A company’s logo is more than just a basic illustration shared on business cards; it is part of the brand identity that defines the business and helps it to grow, if a company is serious about branding, it will want to pay close attention to the way the brand is visually conveyed to consumers. The most well-known companies in the world always have an identifiable logo, and when people recognize that image, they spread the brand and contribute to the advertising initiative. At Aarchi Infotech solutions, it’s been obsession to create eye-catching logo which can boost up your company branding and bestow your firm recognition among people. Aarchi Infotech Solutions is one of the leading design companies specialize in Logo Design – Perth, Australia.

Different Types of Logos

A logo design does not necessarily have to include an elaborate illustration or mascot. Some very famous logos are simply names in a custom font, or a simple title font with specific placement and colors. We offer logo design according to nature and requirement of latest market trend.

On the contrary, some logo designs do include unique illustrations that become a recognized icon for the business, or even a recognised symbol for the industry. The illustration is often seen instantly with telecommunications, and most car manufacturer logos are recognized immediately by the general public, even by young people who have never driven a car.

Leading with the Logo to Introduce the Website

As a one stop solution, Aarchi Infotech Solutions can create beautiful piece of logo design and can place at just right location when we develop your website. It is rare that a logo will not be included in the header are of a website. Studies show that a majority of web visitors expect to see a logo in the top left corner of a web page, and their eyes tend to travel from the top left corner and slantwise to the right side of the page. On some occasions, the logo may be placed further to the middle or right side of the page, and sometimes it is even placed underneath the navigation menu. This may vary depending on whether the logo is designed in a more vertical or horizontal fashion. When the logo is missing from this area of the website, a visitor may not immediately identify with the brand and have difficulty connecting with the purpose of the website. Furthermore, it is recommended that the logo also be a link to the homepage of the website.

Using Logo Elements in the Background

When a logo has a unique illustration or shape, it may be used as an interesting watermark style background. Sometimes, just a part of the shapes in the logo may be applied to the background of content, or in the background of a header image.

Using Brand Elements in Other Aspects of the Website

All elements of a logo can be considered aspects of the brand, even the color choices. If the accent color in the logo is a deep purple, that same purple may be a nice accent color for the border of the navigation menu, or the heading text in content. If a special font was used in the logo name, it is a good idea to continue using that same font throughout the website, in page titles and subheadings perhaps. Does the logo also include a slogan or motto as a subtitle? This messaging should be considered for additional content throughout the site. For example, if the slogan has a certain playful tone, that same tone can be used in page titles and introduction text on a few inner pages. In one case, we used some stair-like boxes from the icon in a construction company’s logo as a collage style element beside some introduction text on the homepage of the client’s new web design.

It can often be fun to share theme ideas on a website, especially tying in with a special offer or holiday. Linking the theme with your logo is a great way to keep the brand fresh and alive.