Google has announced over a long year “HTTPS” in websites everywhere in the impact of website security. As security increases in websites also affect ranking in Google of your website. In that session, many websites got success by a transition into HTTPS.

Many developers were resistant to making changes, putting themselves with Google. Many websites recently just transitioned to HTTPS, while Google announced it by default in 2010. The Google Search Engine is a popular advocate for a secure web.

Google has announced clearly that HTTPS is expected to rank higher in search engines for your websites. This makes you more comfortable using Google, because we know they will not deliver search results including websites which are not secured using HTTPS.

Move to HTTPS

SSL for website Security provides HTTPS security to your website development. It means doing procedural changes which treat HTTPS implementation while doing website development process. It provides fewer websites down from security reasons. Never avoid the things that security affects everyone included in your website.

Any website that is going to upgrade its website’s security will find ranking up by their competitors whose insecure websites. Google search engine is clear on security based websites. Time and Research give the understanding of the marketplace, goals and industries which give you a competitive advantage.

Many things are there you can use to differentiate your website from your competitors. A website using HTTPS is secure and you can improve your business by pushing up the search engine results.

Plugins can be used to make a CMS website secure. Plugins help prevent hacking. This is done actively so that there is no window of opportunity for the hacker. Different CMS have different plugins

Plugins for WordPress = iThemes Security, Bulletproof Security

Plugins for Magento = Amasty, Watchlog Pro

Plugins for Joomla = JHackGuard, jomDefender

Is your website secure?

If you are not sure then use the SSL test tool and find out where you stand in search engine pages. If your website URL doesn’t show HTTPS then your website is not secure. We think you should secure your website by adding SSL Certificates to transition to HTTPS.

Many other things should be taken care while developing a website that gives more security to your website for present and in future. Let’s have some brief pointing discussion about extra caring points.

  • Regular Site Maintenance

Keep website maintenance regularly so that there are no loopholes for a hacker to find out about. This will prevent your website from hacking and it will be secured.

  • Keep All Software Updated

If you want to see more CMS software, should update the plug-in regularly for new changes. However, you are looking for web pages then your plug-in must be updated regularly.

  • Make Layers of security for website

Website’s first defense is against hacking of websites from hackers. For that reason, you can use firewall web applications to defend threats and virus attacks from hackers.

  • Strong Password

Using Strong password is an important and effective solution to defend from brute force attacks. Make sure your password is a combination of alphabets, numbers and symbols.

  • Automatic Backups

Make an investment in automatic backups so that even if your website is crashed, hacked or server lost you will have the backup to make it running again in no time.

  • Set conditions for users

Make the users follow parameters set for your website so that there is no violation issue that can lead to website security breach.

  • Build Admin Directory tough

A simple and easy way to hack your website is going directly through source into data and hack your admin directories. Use some innocuous sound name for your admin folder which is only known to developers to greatly increase more security to your websites.

AIS can provide you with the website security that you need. AIS is one of the best website developers in the market. In these tough market conditions AIS does not lack behind from fulfilling the needs of their clients. Contact AIS now.